In April 2016 I was released from the Maricopa County Jail where I had spent 70 days in the Psych Ward to find out I had also lost my apartment. Homeless with no job and no money, I showed up the door of the Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC), the veteran’s outreach program for the Phoenix VA. After crashing on a friend’s floor a few days, i was referred to MANA House. MANA stands for: Marine, Army, Navy, and Air Force. The joke was they couldn’t include the Coast Guard because then it would be MANAC. That was of course before Space Force. Through in an ‘S’ in the mix and up all sorts of possibilities for creative anagrams.
Anyway, one of the most frustrating challenges here at Borden Ave is the lack of access to the library which is where the computers are. When I inquired as to why, I was told of an assault against the library volunteer a few years ago who then never came back. I was told also of a time that volunteers were recruited from the Borden Ave veteran pool, but were watching porn on the library computers, so it was shut down completely.
My experience with MANA House (100% GPD) in Phoenix addressed both those issues:
• Stop the porn with a block monitored by the 3rd party carrier.
• Hire a veteran and pay a weekly/monthly stipend to oversee the library.
• Install a second lock on the library door and have the veterans check it out from the front desk.
In the few months I have been here I have had numerous instances when a veteran was not properly prepared for a situation that may have led to employment. In August, when the city was hiring cleaning crews for the subway, we were unable to get online with my laptop and hotspot, and the library wasn’t open. The veteran was unable to submit the online application and the time window closed.