Blogs, Articles, and Guest Contributions

By Timothy Pena February 18, 2025
Veterans Affairs Shelter Borden Avenue Shuts Out Donors, Opens Door to Disability Claims Predators
By Timothy Pena February 1, 2025
Correct the Allotment Disparity for Veteran’s Services: Sign the Petition
By Timothy Pena January 28, 2025
While millions of dollars flow into the city’s homeless services, many of the veterans struggling in the system are left in a perpetual state of limbo, lost in the bureaucratic maze and unfulfilled promises
By Timothy Pena January 23, 2025
Mayor Adams Tells Veterans No Funding. Puts Financial Burden on Veterans Affairs While Migrants in Hotels
By Timothy Pena January 14, 2025
A Tale of Two Transitions: Advocating for Veterans in NYC Shelters Department of Homeless Services Failing Veterans Timothy Pena January 14, 2025
By Timothy Pena January 12, 2025
NYC yet to put Fair Fares program into effect, while cracking down on Fare Jumpers
December 9, 2024
Guest Contributor Cherie M. Smith 
By Timothy Pena December 6, 2024
According to Reports, Veterans in NYC are Disappearing from Veterans Affairs Transitional Program.
By Timothy Pena November 20, 2024
In January 2024, the NYC Department of Investigation (DOI) revealed troubling issues in the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and its management of the shelter system
By Timothy Pena November 13, 2024
By Timothy Pena October 22, 2024
Homeless Veterans in NYC Need an Advocate to have their back. That’s supposed to be NYC Dept of Veterans Services 
By Timothy Pena October 20, 2024
Nutritional meals are a vital part of the transitional program.
More Blogs, Articles, and Guest Contributions

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Veteran Suicide

While there are numerous reasons for a veteran to resort to suicide, a combination of mental illness including PTSD and TBI, drugs and/or alcohol, and stigma, a veteran can easily take the path of least resistance.

Knowing the warning signs about thoughts and planning around veteran suicide can help identify behaviors when a veteran may be heading down the 'rabbit hole' of suicide. 

Be the Story: Phoenix to Chelsea

Timothy Pena and Navy Veteran and now End Veteran Debt founder Jerry Ashton first became acquainted in early 2022. Jerry had entered the $20 million Suicide Prevention Challenge launched by the Veterans Affairs and was seeking out individuals who worked in suicide preventon to collaborate with on his project. Following a particular difficult 2021 culminating in a suicide attempt a few days before Christmas, getting those phone calls from Jerry with frank discussions on suicide prevention most likely saved Tim's life.


After spending 70 days in Maricopa County Jail under a mental health hold, Tim found himself homeless in April 2016. He was referred to a VA Grant & Per Diem (GPD) Transitional Program, now Catholic Charities MANA House, where he spent 19 months as a resident and front desk clerk with 48 other VA - eligible veterans experiencing homelessness. In addition to the front desk duties,Tim and another veteran, Herbie, also ran the Outreach Program with 100 - 120 visits a month whereas veterans in the shelters, on the streets, or in camps; could come in and shower, wash clothes, check email and get a hot meal with access to all the resouces that the resident veterans received.

It is that experience that has provided Tim the ability to understand the transitional process as both the homeless veteran, but also as a staff member. It is this rare insight which has allowed Tim to understand the mental health challenges that come with experiencing homelessness and the crushing hopelessness that comes with it. In the last 18 months since arriving to NYC, Tim has become a member of both the NYC Veterans Task Force and the NYC Persons With Living Experience (PWLEx) Continuum of Care.

The VA GPD program is designed to provide food, nutritional advice, counseling, health care, mental health treatment, alcohol and other substance abuse services, and case management services for sustainable housing, financial stability,  justice - related issues, and mental health treatment. There exists a connection between hopelessness and suicide and being homeless can become the catalyst for risky behavior including drug abuse which can then result in overdose and death.

It is while staying in the only GPD transitional program that Tim began to document his journey from suicidal in Phoenix to sustainable housing in NYC with a series he calls, "Be the Story." He is also a member of Military Veterans in Journalism and has also been the subject of numerous articles, interviews, and even video interactions going back to his days in Arizona listed by topic below.

  • Be The Story

    Be the Story: Give Credit Where Credit is Due

    Timothy Pena

    November 22, 2023

    NYC Department of Veteran Services now taking credit for improvements to living conditions of transitional veterans.

    It was a bizarre scene at Council Member Vicki Paladino’s office last week in Queens. 

    Be the Story: Suffering Mental Illness While Homeless

    Timothy Pena

    September 11, 2023 

    In 1980, while serving with the Navy Seabees and attached to an amphibious assault ship USS San Bernadino (LST-1189) in the Persian Gulf during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Marine Pfc. Bradley Johnson received a bad letter from home, obtained an M-16 from the armory sentry, and committed suicide if front of us. 

     Be The Story: Just Give Me the Damn Fish

    Timothy Pena

    January 12, 2023

    I just returned from Tucson after making arrangements for my uncle (big brother) who passed away last month. 

     Be The Story: Veteran’s Day 2022

    By Timothy Pena

    November 13, 2022

    One year ago, I was living in Phoenix and feeling confident in my success of Veterans Justice Project. At the end of September, Julie Gunnigle and I had come to the rescue of a widow of a Vietnam-era veteran facing eviction, stopping it in its tracks. 

    Be The Story: Exercising My Voting Rights

    Timothy Pena

    October 30, 2022

    So I voted today. The first time in many years. It’s a strange feeling. I wanted to leave and come back on actual voting day just to get the sticker that says, ‘I voted today.’

    Be The Story: Thanksgiving in New York City 2022

    Timothy Pena

    November 24, 2022

    It has been four months since arriving to NYC and I have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for my friends and family in Arizona who knew I was struggling and not getting any better.  

  • Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs

    VA Grant & Per Diem Program Saves Lives

    Timothy Pena

    November 25, 2023

    Veterans Affairs Program Focuses On Housing, Sobriety, and Mental Health.

    After being threatened, a veteran sleeps on the sidewalk across from Borden Ave Veterans' Residency. Drug abuse, assaults are daily occurrence in the Veterans Affairs Transitional Program which violate policy.

    When Properly Administered, The Veterans Affairs Grant & Per Diem Program Saving Lives of At-Risk Veterans

    Timothy Pena


    I am often asked how it was that I got on a plane in Phoenix on July 26, 2022 to New York City without knowing anyone nor with any game plan.

     Be the Story: Phoenix MANA House a Model for Veterans Transitional Program

    Timothy Pena

    August 30, 2022

    NYC Shelter Borden Ave. Abusing Veterans, Lying to New Yorkers

    Years ago, I had a roommate in Tucson with a great job with the City of Tourism and everything going his way. But sometime after I moved to Phoenix, he lost that job and he just gave up. 

    New York City Department of Veterans Services and Veterans Advisory Meetings

    Timothy Pena

    October 20, 2022

    A few nights ago I attended my first meeting at 1 Centre Street in Manhattan at the offices of NYC Department of Veterans Services (DVS). I would so love to do outreach for them and I strongly encourage any veterans to contact their local DVS and talk to them about registration.

    Be The Story: Jericho Project

    Timothy Pena

    September 19, 2022

    I arrived in New York on July 26, Flew back to Arizona on August 13, and back to NYC on August 20. I’ve been a temporary resident of the New York Department of Homeless Services (NYDHS) since July 28.

    Be The Story: Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

    Timothy Pena

    November 23, 2022

    I normally wouldn’t be eligible for the GI Bill if it weren’t for VA Disability which allows me to return to school under Chapter 35.  

    Be The Story: HUD/VASH Program

    Timothy Pena

    November 20, 2022

    Prison with a Day Pass

    When I arrived in NYC in July 2022, I was unaware that I would be making such drastic changes in my life. 

    The Problem with Veterans Affairs HUD/VASH Program

    Timothy Pena

    November 24, 2022

    The problem with the HUD/VASH program is the HUD/VASH program. The issue here is that I am exactly back where I was on July 26, when I arrived to NYC. I was always eligible for Section 8 simply because I’m disabled.

    HUD/VASH Abusing Veterans

    Timothy Pena

    November 27, 2022

    In the 4 months I have been at Borden Ave I have been exposed to some things no one should have to live with on a prison yard, much less at a Veteran’s Transitional Program imprisoned in a violent and chaotic environment without access to edible food, coffee, or sleep solely because we’re all veterans.

    HUD/VASH Program Adding to Veteran Suicide

    Timothy Pena

    November 29, 2022 

    The problem with the HUD/VASH program is the HUD/VASH program. Had I gone directly to Section 8 housing like everyone else does, I wouldn’t be homeless. 

    HUD/VASH Saga Continues

    Timothy Pena

    December 1, 2022

    “VA's Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program is offered annually (as funding permits) by the Department of Veterans Affairs to fund community agencies providing services to Veterans experiencing homelessness

    NYC Dept. of Veteran Services Won’t Show Up

    Timothy Pena

    December 4, 2022

    My tenure of 16 months at the front desk included hundreds of referrals for

    resources from getting a bus pass to applying for a VA Disability claim.

    Veterans Need Resources

  • Borden Ave Veterans' Residency

    Be The Story: Homeless in New York

    Timothy Pena

    August 10, 2022

    Although formidable, the result is a calm, peaceful environment with tons of support from case workers from multiple agencies (including the VA with an onsite veteran’s case manager three days a week). There are laundry facilities, hot meals, showers, and comfy beds. 

    Be The Story: Borden Ave Veterans Residence

    Timothy Pena

    August 25, 2022

    While I had been planning a move from Phoenix for some time, I had no idea when, where, or how. It wasn’t until I woke up that second morning in a hotel in Chinatown that I realized how happy I was when I lived in Chicago during the 90’s. 

    Veterans in Transition Need Resources

    Timothy Pena 

    November 18, 2022

    Submitting Documentation, Filing Applications Require Access to Library

    One of the most frustrating challenges here at Borden Ave is the lack of access to the library which is where the computers are. 

    Creating Employment Opportunities

    By Timothy Pena

    November 17, 2022

    Program Stymied by NYC Department of Homeless Services

    In April 2016 I was released from the Maricopa County Jail where I had spent 70 days in the Psych Ward to find out I had also lost my apartment. 

    Veterans in Transition Need Access to Resources

    By Timothy Pena

    November 24, 2022

    In April 2016 I was released from the Maricopa County Jail where I had spent 70 days in the Psych Ward to find out I had also lost my apartment.

    HUD/VASH Program Making the Homeless Veterans Suffer

    Timothy Pena

    November 27, 2022 

    In the 4 months I have been at Borden Ave I have been exposed to some things no one should have to live with on a prison yard, much less at a Veteran’s Transitional Program imprisoned in a violent and chaotic environment without access to edible food, coffee, or sleep solely because we’re all veterans. 

    Top NYC Officials Deny Transitional Supportive Services to Homeless Veterans in Veterans Affairs Programs

    Timothy Pena • Nov 19, 2023

    Manhattan VA and NYC Department of Veterans Services won't refer to Congressional program as 'Transitional'

     Another veteran is rolled out on a gurney after dying from an overdose. Residents tell me that Borden Ave Veterans' Residency no longer calls NYPD when a veteran overdoses and dies in their custody.

    MANA House Transitional GPD Program

    I started working with transitional veterans in 2016 after I became homeless in Phoenix and referred to a Veterans Affairs and taxpayer-funded Grant & Per Diem Transitional Program (GPD), Catholic Charities MANA House started in a former Phoenix YWCA, where I spent 16 months as a resident and front desk clerk.  

    Borden Avenue Veterans’ Residency

    Summary of Experience

    My experience with the Grant & Per Diem program goes back to when I was a resident and front desk clerk for a veterans’ transitional program in Phoenix. Each veteran that was referred to MANA House from the VA outreach program filled out an application we provided and then was immediately interviewed by the House Assistant Manager. Not everyone was accepted.

  • Sgt. Kolden McKeehan and PJ

    Veteran With Medical Discharge Still Unhoused

    Timothy Pena • Oct 04, 2023

    Veterans Affairs Homeless Services Disputes Purple Heart-Implies Stolen Valor

    Be the Story_Purple Heart Recipients Still Homeless (June 13, 2023)

    Be the Story: Purple Heart Recipient Still Homeless after 18 months

    Timothy Pena 

    August 31, 2023

    The five months I spent at the Borden Ave Veterans’ Residency exposed me to treatment of veterans I’ve not ever seen before with conditions that wouldn’t be seen on a prison yard much less a Veterans Affairs veteran’s transitional program worth millions of dollars paid for by Congress and the American taxpayer.

    After 15 Months, Purple Heart Recipients Still Homeless

    June 30, 2023

    Timothy Pena

    Americans are constantly reminded how the Veterans Affairs cares about their veterans, especially those who are most vulnerable to include those experiencing homelessness. 

    In August 2023, Timothy Pena interviewed Kolden McKeehan and PJ. You Tube.

  • Military Veterans in Journalism

    Be The Story: Military Veterans in Journalism

    Timothy Pena

    October 14, 2022

    At first meeting of Military Veterans in Journalism Founder Russell Midori, it is easy to understand how he is the driving force of such a prolific journalistic organization. 

    Military Veterans in Journalism

     MVJ was founded in 2019 by Russell Midori, a Marine veteran and Navy veteran Zack Baddorf, and is a professional association that builds community for vets, supports their career growth, and advocates for diversifying newsrooms through hiring and promoting more vets. While about 7 percent of Americans have served in the armed forces, only 2 percent of media workers are military veterans, according to U.S. Census data.

  • Veteran Mission Possible

    Journalist of the Month_Timothy Pena

    Navy Seabee Tim Peña is Veteran Mission Possible’s Journalist of the Month

    Most journalists report on the lives of others; Tim Peña lives a life that others report on.

    He didn’t intend it to be that way. But by being someone else’s “story” he processed this experience to become the person on the other side of the notepad and microphone. This provides an unmatched authenticity to his reporting on veteran suicide, homelessness, and incarceration. 

  • Community Programs

    Homeless to Homeness: 154 Days

    Timothy Pena

    January 9, 2023

    2022 was an interesting year which began with Phoenix PD standing at my door conducting a ‘welfare check’ with hands on guns telling me to “just come out and talk.” Last Christmas was fighting the rabbit hole of suicide, so when an opportunity to come to NYC arose, I jumped at it. 

    Be The Story: CitiLeaf Supportive Housing

    Timothy Pena

    August 30, 2022

    NYC HASA Voucher Program Available for POZ Veterans

    It has been about 60 days since coming to Borden Avenue Veterans Residence (BAVR) and I am a better navigator for it. The agencies that are responsible and assisting the various processes are all ultimately linked in some fashion or another. 

    Be The Story: Exercising My Voting Rights

    Timothy Pena

    October 30, 2022

    So I voted today. The first time in many years. It’s a strange feeling. I wanted to leave and come back on actual voting day just to get the sticker that says, ‘I voted today.’ 

  • Veterans Suicide/Incarceration Index

    VISI is the acronym for Veterans Incarceration/Suicide Index and focus of this paper that compares suicide state by state and uses a simple average to rank each state.

    Certain states possess elevated incarceration rates as well as suicide rates, but little is known about the veterans facing criminal charges and suicide. Select sections:

    VISI Mental Health

    VISI Incarceration

    VISI Suicide

    VISI Courts

    Veteran Incarceration/Suicide Index (VISI)

  • Additional Videos & Interviews

    New York State Division of Veterans Services

    (Dec. 20, 2022)

    The New York State Division of Veterans Services (NYCDVS) was established over 75 years ago to serve World War II veterans. Today, the Division serves veterans, service members, and their families from all eras, but remains relatively unchanged in structure and purpose.

    The Ongoing War (Video)

    (May 6, 2020)

    Tim Pena is a navy veteran with PTSD. He says marijuana is one of the only things that help his anxiety and depression, but it's his knee pain that got him an Arizona medical marijuana card. Hear his story of recovery and the story of other veterans who never got the chance to recover.

    Le Lettre interview: Timothy Pena, Veteran and Journalist:

    (Sandra Muller - February 13, 2024)

    Timothy Pena is an American veteran who has been in prison and homeless. He helps his peers to reintegrate and access social assistance. He also became a journalist, to help make America and the media understand the plight of veterans.

Soon after arriving, Tim decided he would rather be homeless in NYC than commit suicide in Phoenix and spent five months in a shelter before obtaining his HUD/VASH voucher for supportive housing while detailing his journey from homeless to homeness with a series of articles called, 'Be the Story'. He has testified before the NYS Department of Veterans Affairs, is a member of the NYC Veterans Task Force and Military Veterans in Journalism, while founding The Forgotten Veteran non-profit. Email: Timothy Pena

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